safety education

In compliance with the Diocesan Policy, each year students will learn about Safety Education according to age-appropriate levels during their class time.
CONFIRMATION YEAR 1 - Breaking the Silence

​Breaking the Silence created especially for students of the Diocese of Orange. It is a powerful tool that utilizes an interactive DVD format to encourage teens to talk about sexual abuse and also to describe the danger signs of a potential abuser.  Breaking the Silence focuses on: Recognizing the "grooming" techniques used by sexual abusers. Learning to trust one's own instincts about inappropriate adult behavior that makes a teen uncomfortable. Exposing the widespread myths about sexual abuse. Reporting the sexual abuse to authorities. Hearing from a victim's mother the long term fear, suffering & psychological distress that affects victims & their familes.
CONFIRMATION YEAR 1 - personal safety awareness
Personal Safety Awareness Developed to address personal safety concerns of our nation's teenagers. This video contains four dramatizations of incidents typical of those encountered by many teenagers.
The four topics are:
Suicide Prevention (9:35)
Internet Safety (14:00)
Sexual Harassment (5:06)
Date Rape (8:02)
CONFIRMATION YEAR 2 - to save a life
To Save a Life was born from a passion to reach young people with the love and security they so desperately need. The film vividly shows how loving God and loving people gives us power to find true purpose and fulfillment in life. It also reminds us to stay aware of the pain and loneliness of others and compels us reach out-especially to those struggling in our families, communities, schools, and those on fringe of acceptance by our culture.