The Elementary Program guides & helps the faith formation of the children in Grades 1 - 8.​
Catechetical topic for each grade levels include:
Grade 1: God is our Loving Father
Grade 2: Reconciliation & Holy Eucharist
Grade 3: Our Catholic Faith
Grade 4: The Life of Christian in Christ
Grade 5: Liturgy & Sacraments
Grade 6: Salvation History: Old Testament
Grade 7: The Stories of Jesus
Grade 8: The Stories of the Church
After receiving First Holy Communion, the program continues to guide & help the faith formation of the children from 3rd to 8th grades. They will join the Confirmation Program at the beginning of their high school year, according to the guidelines of the Diocese of Orange.

Class Day:
Class Day:
Class Day:
Class Day:

Grade 1
In Grade 1, students will learn more about how we belong to the Church, God and his Creation, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and our call to be followers of Jesus.

Grade 5
In Grade 5, students will learn more about the Seven Sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Penance and Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.

Grade 2
In Grade 2, students will learn more about the parish community, God’s forgiveness, the Mass, and how we can be more like Christ.

Grade 6
In Grade 6, students will learn more about God's Covenant as revealed in the Old Testament, and how we are called to prepare for the Kingdom of God.

Grade 3
In Grade 3, students will learn more about the Four Marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. They will also learn about the Church’s mission in the world.

the story of jesus
In the Story of Jesus, students will learn about who Jesus is, his teachings about the Kingdom, the Paschal Mystery, and our call to be witnesses of Christ in the world today.

Grade 4
In Grade 4, students will learn more about the Holy Trinity, the Church, and how we are called to work for justice through service to others.

the story of the church
In the Story of Our Church, students will learn more about the Church from her early beginnings, through the Medieval Age and the Renaissance, and how the Church today meets the challenges of contemporary life.
safety education
In complying with the Diocesan Policy, each year students will learn about Safety Education according to age appropriate levels. Procedures and details will be communicated to parents at the parents meets. We are using the "Growing with God" from Loyola Press. For more information on "Growing with God" visit their website at: https://www.loyolapress.com/faith-formation/child-safety-and-catholic-family-living/growing-with-god/
Parents have the right to opt out their child(ren) and not attend this session or if student will be absent, parents are responsible for teaching them the self protective skills provided below. Please click on the grade & language. ​

parent resources